
Weeping desert
Weeping desert
Acrylic on canvas 18" x 24".
This painting represents the jmpact of iron ore and other mining operations on the indigenous people and environment of Western Australia using natural ochre and red earth colors typical of the region.
Bejewelled - multimedia acrylic with pearls on canvas
Bejewelled - multimedia acrylic with pearls on canvas
fractured rocks - watercolor on paper
fractured rocks - watercolor on paper
Abstract in green and blue - collage on canvas
Abstract in green and blue - collage on canvas
In a galaxy far far away
In a galaxy far far away
Bejewelled 3
Bejewelled 3
pearls and acrylic paint with semi-precious stones, abalone and opal

Latest comments

05.09 | 17:45

I would be interested in this as card and monarch butterfly on hibiscus as card...or both photographic prints (4x6 or 5x7”)

15.09 | 01:39


23.08 | 10:57


12.08 | 00:17


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